Adjudicators & Coaches Congress 2025 Saturday, 22 February 2025 from 09h00 – 15h00. Only officials who attend this congress will officiate at the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa events. Your camera needs to remain on for the duration of the congress. Zoom Link will be sent upon completion of registration. Safeguarding Awareness Certificate Link: https://wcpsc.thinkific.com/courses/SafeguardingAwarenessCertificatePolice Clearance needs to be obtained.Congress fee: R500 BANKING DETAILSBank: First National BankAccount Holder: Federation of Dance Sport South AfricaAccount Type: ChequeAccount number: 50220116864Branch Code: 201409USE SURNAME AND INITIAL(s) AS REFERENCE Register Now Google Forms Register Now FOLLOW US
Federation of DanceSport South Africa Distances Itself from DSSA by Frans Sema Pretoria, 07 December 2024 – The Federation of DanceSport South Africa (The Federation) wishes to clarify and publicly distance itself from the entity known as DSSA, purportedly operated by Frans Sema. As the official governing body and custodian of DanceSport and related dance styles in South Africa, recognized by the South African government, SASCOC, the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF), and by extension the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Federation asserts that DSSA under Frans Sema’s control is misleading the dance community. For several years, Mr. Sema has attempted to claim ownership of the DSSA name through the courts, using the South African Dance Foundation (SADF) as a vehicle for his efforts. However, these attempts have been decisively unsuccessful. Despite these legal battles, Mr. Sema is now claiming to relaunch an entity that cannot be legally owned or associated with any individual. Mr. Sema’s actions, including attempts to persuade international bodies of his legitimacy, have been met with rejection. His actions are driven by personal ambition rather than the unifying agenda and collective good of DanceSport in South Africa. The Federation unequivocally states that his continued interference is harmful to the development and unity of DanceSport in the country. The Federation calls for Mr. Sema’s permanent dismissal or ban from the sport to prevent further disruption. DanceSport in South Africa has suffered under his influence, and it is vital for the sport to move forward in a manner that prioritizes unity, growth, inclusivity, and collaboration over individual interests. The Federation remains committed to fostering a healthy and unified DanceSport community and urges all affiliated bodies and stakeholders to disregard any claims or actions by DSSA under Frans Sema. Together, we can protect the integrity and future of DanceSport in South Africa. Issued by: Federation of DanceSport South Africa FOLLOW US
Results for the South African Achievers & National Championships 2024 from 4-5th October in Limpopo
Download The RESULTS The judges’ scores for the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa event South African Achievers & National Championships 2024 on the 4-5th of October in Limpopo are now available for viewing by clicking the provided link. Congratulations to all athletes for their enthusiastic participation and adherence to the rules and principles of the Federation. If you have any score-related inquiries, please contact the Dance Sport Secretariat at secretariat@danceinsportsa.co.za SOUTH AFRICAN ACHIEVERS & NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS 2024 RESULTS Star Grade Sections (16,8MB) Download Star Grade Sections (16,8MB) Saturday Events (8,7MB) Download Saturday Events (8,7MB) SA A & NC Results (10,1MB) Download SA A & NC Results (10,1MB) FOLLOW US
2024 National Rankings for the National Champions League hosted by the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa
2024 National ranking RESULTS INFORMATION The National Champions League series was established in 2019 to keep a record of nationally competing Championship athletes/couples and to award points to those athletes/couples for the purpose of the National Rankings as well as International Representation. Moreover, the Champions League Rules were established with the primary objective to ensure that the rankings and representation are simple, fair, transparent and are professionally presented. These rules are put in place as a tool to ascertain, out of the National Rankings, those athletes who are eligible to represent the country internationally by meeting the set criteria in the rules to qualify for representation. In this release we seek to update membership on various aspects of the Champions League while addressing the multiple questions arising from various sectorsin our membership rank and file. 1. NATIONAL RANKINGSThe National Rankings should be understood as a record of participation in the recognized national events for ‘log ladder’ points as well as how couples/athletes performed throughout the season. Rankings take into account all athletes/couples who have participated in the National Champions League series and rank them, in their age categories, according to points accumulated (calculated as per National Champions League Rules) from largest to smallest. This is the reason why even couples/athletes who would have not fully met the Champions League Rules set criteria for representation are included as part of the rankings. The National Rankings are published on our various media platforms and kept as a record for public scrutiny. 2. INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIONRepresentation takes into account national rankings and other recognized methods for selecting qualifying candidates. This is achieved by applying the set criteria per the National Champions League rules as well as considering various other applicable rules of the Federation, SASCOC and WDSF that affect selection for international representation. In order to represent South Africa at the various WDSF World Championships, the Federation is allowed to select and send two (2) representatives in each age category (junior II, youth, under 21, adult, senior I, II, III, IV, V) in a particular style (e.g. Standard/Latin American). In order to select the two representatives, the Federation established the National Champions League series as one method of selection as well as considered the National Championships as the other selection method – in a single Dance Sport calendar/season as follows: The first representative to the WDSF World Championships is a couple/athlete topping the National Rankings in their relevant age category for that season – taking into consideration all rules applicable for representation including but not limited to age category, partner changes, full participation etc. The second representative is a couple/athlete winning the National Championships in their relevant age category in that season – taking into consideration all rules applicable for representation including but not limited to age category, partner changes etc. In case the winner of the rankings becomes the winner of the National Championships, the second representative will be considered up to 6th place from the National Rankings – taking into consideration all rules applicable for representation including but not limited to age category, partner changes, participation etc. 3. CHALLENGES AND REMEDIAL ACTIONHaving implemented the National Champions League series since 2019, various challenges have been experienced which necessitated continuous interventions to ensure that the implementation does not move away from its intended objective – to have a simple, fair and transparent ranking and representation system in place. The following are some of the challenges experienced and the measures implemented to rectify them: i. Couples Registering and Dancing Incorrect Age Categories • to curb this the Federation imposed a condition that the couples/athletes wishing to represent at the WDSF Championships must participate in the age category that they will fall in the following year (year of representation) according to WDSF age categories e.g. a couple turning adult in 2024 must participate in the adult age category in 2023. • As a result, couples/athletes who do not adhere to this condition will be disqualified and therefore removed from the rankings and will not be eligible for representation.ii. Registration With WDSF • In the beginning of 2023, the Federation imposed a condition that, in order to take part in the Champions League series and the National Championships, ALL Championship couples must be registered with WDSF, as this ensures that couples are registered in the correct WDSF age categories even before they are selected for representation. • To make it easy for athletes to register themselves, every Champions’ League entry form had instructions of how to register with WDSF. Understanding that this was being implemented for the first time this year, the Federation exercised leniency and allowed couples/athletes to register until after Champions League 3 and further held a training session or workshop to get to understand the issues and challenges experienced by individual athletes with the aim to assist those athletes who had experienced challenges. • Various challenges experienced ranged from: – Attaching ID instead of passport as per WDSF requirements, – Attaching a picture with a colourful background instead of a white background as per WDSF requirements. – Incorrectly signing of declaration forms • Note: all athletes/couples who fail to register with WDSF at the beginning of the season will not be eligible for representation. iii. Partner Changes in the Middle of the Season or After Selection for Representation • Changing a partner in the middle of the season results in forfeiting all ranking points already accumulated with that partner, complete removal from rankings therefore forfeiting the right to representation. • changing a partner after selection for representation disqualifies a couple from representation until the next representation year/season. iv. Couples/Athletes not Participating in All Three Champions Leagues According to the current Champions League rules couples/athletes MUST participate in ALL 3 Champions Leagues in order to be eligible for representation. Couples/athletes who do not participate in all 3 Champions Leagues, even though they may be included in the rankings, are not eligible for representation unless there is a valid reason
Results for the Inter-Provincial Championships & National Champions League 3, 9-10th August in Western Cape
Download The RESULTS The judges’ scores for the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa Inter-Provincial Championships & National Champions League 3 9-10th August 2024 event are now available for viewing by clicking the provided link. Congratulations to all athletes for their enthusiastic participation and adherence to the rules and principles of the Federation. If you have any score-related inquiries, please contact the Dance Sport Secretariat at secretariat@danceinsportsa.co.za INTER-PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS & NATIONAL CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 3 Day 1 (20,3MB) Download Day 1 (20,3MB) Day 2 (11,5MB) Download Day 2 (11,5MB) FOLLOW US
EVENT DETAILS Federation of Dance Sport South Africa Adjudicators & Coaches CongressEvent Date: 7 July 2024 All licensed adjudicators and registered coaches are welcome to join our Congress at no charge. Adjudicators and coaches attending for the first time, please follow the payment prompts. If you are attending congress regardless of it being the first or second, please use the link below to register. Registration Form Let’s Go! Registration Form
Results for the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa National Champions League 2 in Gauteng
Download The RESULTS The judges’ scores for the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa National Champions League 2 2024 event are now available for viewing by clicking the provided link. Congratulations to all athletes for their enthusiastic participation and adherence to the rules and principles of the Federation. If you have any score-related inquiries, please contact the Dance Sport Technical Director at dto@danceinsportsa.co.za. National Champions League 2 Star Grade RESULTS Star Grade Evening Sections RESULTS Evening Sections FOLLOW US
2024 National Calendar for Standard, Latin & Breaking For Gold dance events in South Africa
Results for the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa National Champions League 1 in KwaZulu-Natal
Download The RESULTS The judges’ scores for the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa National Champions League 1 2024 event are now available for viewing by clicking the provided link. Congratulations to all athletes for their enthusiastic participation and adherence to the rules and principles of the Federation. If you have any score-related inquiries, please contact the Dance Sport Technical Director at dto@danceinsportsa.co.za. National Champions League 1 Juvenile RESULTS Juvenile Junior RESULTS Junior Youth RESULTS Youth U21 RESULTS U21 Adult Level 1 RESULTS Adult Level 1 Adult Level 2 RESULTS Adult Level 2 Adult Level 3 RESULTS Adult Level 3 Adult Level 4 RESULTS Adult Level 4 Adult (R Star, Pro & Champ) RESULTS Adult (R Star, Pro & Champ) Senior Level 1 RESULTS Senior Level 1 FOLLOW US